How Countryside Alliance Transformed Campaign Operations: Streamlining Processes and Empowering Action.


Company name: Countryside Alliance

Industry: National Membership Organisation

Results since working with us: Over 200,000 emails sent to elected representatives


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Armed with over 100,000 members

and supporters, Countryside Alliance

had all the right ingredients to score

a victorious lobbying campaign.


The comms team faced several challenges in their campaign deployment and engagement with elected representatives.

These challenges included significant delays in campaign deployment, time-consuming technical setup, lack of coverage and accuracy in identifying representatives, multiple personnel involvement in each campaign, and the inability to analyze member engagement and support.

To address these issues, they came to us. Our solution involved building an online interface for campaign setup and creating a plug-in that could be easily added to any web page.

The interface allowed the client to define standard variables for each campaign and provided options for description, imagery, letter submission, campaign duration, and recipient representatives.

The plug-in inherited the design of the host website and had responsive functionality for various devices.The campaign setup interface was linked to the live Oscar database, which contained information about local, devolved, and national elected representatives.

Each campaign was connected to individual postcodes, ensuring accurate representation.Additionally, the solution included live reporting and downloadable data points for analysis, such as supporter and member engagement by region and constituency.

The Biggest Benefits

Elimination of data, technical, and research requirements

Instant campaign deployment on current issues

Significant time savings for internal teams

Cost savings through a centralized data feed

Improved accuracy and influence through reliable representatives data

Responsive campaign functionality on all devices

Enhanced insight and analysis of supporter engagement

Empowerment of supporters in the democratic process

The Most Important Result

Now Countryside Alliance's team is deploying over 30 campaigns with our e-lobby tool, without any programming, coding or database maintenance headaches

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