Supplier Subscription. Free Profile, daily tender alerts and unlimited event posting.

Public Sector Supplier Subscription

Become a listed Supplier on the Oscar Platform. Our Supplier Directory provides a unqiue showcase for your products and services. Daily emails identify current tender opportunities and our Events calendar is a unique platform to promote your events, webinars and conferences.

  • Entry in the Supplier Directory
  • In-depth profile of your organisation and your services. Details are listed in our suppliers directory and search engine, used by thousands of officers for supplier identification and recruitment.

  • Bespoke Tender Alerts by E-mail
  • We gather details of tenders from a number of official sources, categorise them. Tenders most relevant to your services are available in your account area and grouped into daily e-mail alerts.

  • Unlimited Entries in the Events Diary
  • Post details of events, conferences and seminars you are organising, or just those that you feel are relevant, to gain exposure to our entire Public Sector user base within the Events Calendar.